Growing business by doing the right things, smarter
How complex problem solving leads to valid outcomes in critical decision making. The mission of strategy and innovation consultants is to grow a client’s business by doing the right things, smarter. Growing a business usually follows a rock-paper-scissor [...]
Why design-driven companies are actually a good idea
In the digital economy it becomes increasingly easier to copy business models, product features and marketing tactics. Hence, one of the last resorts of competitive advantage is UX and strategic design. Design-led companies In a recent article by [...]
How gaming set a benchmark for the future of fintech
Fintechs and incumbent banks can learn a lot from adopting digital growth strategies of the gaming industry. While incumbent banks have struggled in the past with upgrading their business to the digital age, plenty of new fintech startups [...]
Growing faster after horizontal acquisition
In the ever more global and digital marketplace, three things matter in growing business regardless of the industry. Customer-centricity, agility and size. Customer-centricity and agility for keeping the offering relevant to evolving customer needs. Size for know-how, sharing the [...]
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