Latest insights2021-03-09T14:29:12+02:00




Growing business by doing the right things, smarter

By |April 30th, 2019|Tags: |

How complex problem solving leads to valid outcomes in critical decision making. The mission of strategy and innovation consultants is to grow a client’s business by doing the right things, smarter. Growing a business usually follows a rock-paper-scissor [...]

Why design-driven companies are actually a good idea

By |April 25th, 2019|Tags: |

In the digital economy it becomes increasingly easier to copy business models, product features and marketing tactics. Hence, one of the last resorts of competitive advantage is UX and strategic design. Design-led companies In a recent article by [...]

Growing faster after horizontal acquisition

By |April 9th, 2019|Tags: , |

In the ever more global and digital marketplace, three things matter in growing business regardless of the industry. Customer-centricity, agility and size. Customer-centricity and agility for keeping the offering relevant to evolving customer needs. Size for know-how, sharing the [...]

Growing business by doing the right things, smarter

By |April 30th, 2019|Tags: |

How complex problem solving leads to valid outcomes in critical decision making. The mission of strategy and innovation consultants is to grow a client’s business by doing the right things, smarter. Growing a business usually follows a rock-paper-scissor [...]

Why design-driven companies are actually a good idea

By |April 25th, 2019|Tags: |

In the digital economy it becomes increasingly easier to copy business models, product features and marketing tactics. Hence, one of the last resorts of competitive advantage is UX and strategic design. Design-led companies In a recent article by [...]

Growing faster after horizontal acquisition

By |April 9th, 2019|Tags: , |

In the ever more global and digital marketplace, three things matter in growing business regardless of the industry. Customer-centricity, agility and size. Customer-centricity and agility for keeping the offering relevant to evolving customer needs. Size for know-how, sharing the [...]

Fintech expansion strategies

By |March 24th, 2021|Tags: , |

Thank you for joining the Ross Republic podcast. In our ninth episode, your host Adrian Klee is joined by Ross Republic advisors Mikko Riikkinen and Gerrit Glass, an international fintech expert with experience at Europe’s leading fintech groups [...]

An analysis of Europe’s key SME fintechs

By |March 2nd, 2021|Tags: , |

A deep-dive analysis of European fintech players offering new digital business banking services for SMEs. Several well-funded fintech companies that exclusively focus on serving the freelance or SME market segment have been founded in [...]

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